Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Website!

We've redesigned the Hopkins Cycling website, Eventually, we'd like to integrate this blog over there.

Also, we're now on twitter and youtube as user hopkinscycling. Check it out! We'll post video race reports in the spring!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Welcome to New Members!

Welcome to Hopkins Cycling!

I hope you all had a great summer.

Whether you're a seasoned racer, a commuter, a new racer, a recreational rider, or anywhere in between, Hopkins Cycling is the place for you.

Our listserv serves as the primary hub of all communication within the club. If you're going on a ride, post it to the list serv. Include information about the level of the ride (recreational, hammerfest, etc.), the distance, an idea about the route, and the departure point. A lot of ride departures have been meeting at our sponsor, Twenty20 Bike Shop in Hampden, to the west of campus. Just email to request listserv membership!

If you come across an interesting ride (such as the Tour Du Port, Sunday October 3, 2010 with its 20$ student rate) or race, post it to the listserv. If you read an interesting or funny article about cycling, post it to the listserv. If you have stuff you want to sell—you get the idea.

There are some ride cues posted on the outdated (and soon to be overhauled) website. Additionally, esteemed Hopkins Cycling alum Michael Retzlaff posted some cues to the Hopkins Cycling blog last year .

We will be having our first meeting of the year this upcoming week. As soon as I secure a meeting location, I'll post it to the listserv and the blog.

We will be discussing our coaching (Kris Auer), racing in the spring, rides, our sponsorship from Twenty20, this years jersey order, and more. But more on that to come.

Thanks for signing up, and again, welcome to Hopkins Cycling!

I really look forward to this year's cycling adventures.

-Adam Zeldin
President, Hopkins Cycling
A&S '12

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Even though I will be leaving Baltimore soon as a graduate, I wanted to give everyone an exciting preview of next year.
In 2010-11 Hopkins Cycling will be taking an integrated approach to coaching and sponsorship.

1. We will now be supported by Twenty20 cycling–a new shop in Hampden, which is super close and convenient to campus.

2. Kris Auer, a co-owner of the shop and former pro will be coaching us.

3. Finally, the local team C3, who will be holding group rides from the shop.

The guys at Twenty20 encourage you to stop by and meet them. They are very cool, super knowledgeable and passionate about local cycling.
(FYI: They also hold a group ride from the shop at 9am on Sundays)

all of these promising changes make me wish I could stick around!


hopkins cycling pres
845 702 6161
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Monday, February 22, 2010

1st Meeting of Spring Semester!

I'm planning on having a cycling meeting this Wednesday 2/24 at the usual time/place– 8pm in the Rec center classroom–to asses the general interest in collegiate racing, and make arrangements for the upcoming race at the Naval Academy in Annapolis.

The Navy race weekend (this upcoming weekend ) includes a criterium and a time trial for all of the aspiring triathlete-types. Maps of the courses can be seen here:

As a reminder, Hopkins hooks us up well– race fees/gas/hotel bills are all covered so all you would have to pay would be the license fee ($30 fee for the whole season/ or 10$ for a one day)

On Wednesday, I will provide info about how to register for the race/liscences etc....


Also, even if you don't care about racing at all–honestly, although I dabble, I mainly just love riding my bike and (trying) to get into shape, feel free to show up. I would love to get the more casual Sunday ride going again out of Joe's Bike Shop, or even go as a group to Joe's Saturday shop ride, which begins weekly at 10:30.

Hope you all got an opportunity to ride this weekend–the weather was absolutely beautiful.


hopkins cycling pres
845 702 6161
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